Saturday, May 9, 2009


Today was babysitting day - children are too busy and require way too much energy.

Not too much exciting going on. Tomorrow I'm fundraising for Poland. This event's going to make or break me so I'm really really hoping it goes well. If not, there's always hope my auction will go well but getting donations is not going as well as I'd like.

Had my first successful doctor's appointment in a long while on Thursday. I've been really frustrated lately with the medical stuff going on cause I just haven't felt like anyone's listening to my concerns or taking any action. My family doctor however is sending me to another doctor here in town who he assures me will look at things and get us started at looking into treatment options etc. So that's a relief!

I'm a year older on Monday. My mother keep saying time's flying and it's flying for me too! It feels like just yesterday I was 16 or graduating high school, yet somehow I'm graduating university in only a few weeks! Just wish I knew what was next though...

Anyways, I'm super tired so I'm going to get stuff ready for tomorrow and then head to bed. Night and Happy Mom's day!

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