Sunday, January 25, 2009

Weekend adventures

Ah dear blog, I have neglected thee lately.
Mostly cause I just have nothing very exciting to say.

Last night was no broken bones for a year party! Lol. So we played board games (Quelf and Stock Ticker). All very much fun. I'm still cleaning up the plethora of things Islander spilt on my carpet, after my having done a good cleaning of the apartment yesterday morning. Oh well, twas a good time nevertheless.

Today is reading day. Thus far it's been my most productive day all term. Needless to say I've been not feeling very motivated to do any work lately. But I have gotten to the point where I no longer have a choice so now I must play catch-up. Which only puts me more behind so perhaps it will be more like a pretend I read everything up to the point and just working on staying on schedule for the rest of the term.

Today is Lsgb's birthday. And since this time I'm not stuck in the hospital there are plans for celebrations this evening. Not sure how much celebrating will be done since it's Sunday and everyone has class early in the morning but it should be a good time nonetheless.

I got my haircut! I went in for just a trim and then the woman cutting it asked if I wanted bangs. I said no cause I'd never had them before but lsgb quickly said yes. So here I am with bangs which are driving me absolutely crazy cause they are in my face and keep getting stuck between my glasses and my face. My hair is also straight right now, which looks really nice. I may actually try to straigten it more often too. But I'm a lazy person when it comes to my hair, I like wash and go and straightening it is certainly not a wash and go process but we'll see!

Anywhooo back to the work!

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