Friday, November 28, 2008

*cough cough*

So I have medicine but I'm still not feeling better. At least when it comes to the cough and the lack of voice. But I'm not complaining cause I'd rather have a cough than a head cold anyday.
Emotionally at this very moment I feel great. I've realized something and it's making most of the things I've been fussing about lately seem like nothing. Which is quite nice to realize.
Wednesday night was trivia night, it was a good time. A and Islander were very very drunk and it was most hilarious at most points. Thursday morning was fun for us who were feeling fine :)
So I've got 4 papers left to do: 1 Tuesday, 2 Wednesday and 1 Friday - tomorrow I'm going to spend my day working on my last 15 pager. Hopefully I can get it done by Monday-ish.
Anyways, I'm gonna go put away some clean laundry and then get some sleep - lata!

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