Thursday, June 21, 2007


I'm back to work in one hour after two days off; I do not feel at all rested nor do I feel anymore energetic then I did when I'd finished two 14hour days. But oh well.
I've changed my mind about the blog. Its really going to be no different: sorry. But its new and fun! And change is good. Or so they tell me. Person there (haven't thought up a good name yet) leaves in a week. I don't like change... Its not the leaving part that bothers me as much as I don't like the thought that my best friend for the last year may just turn into one of those people who talk to every couple of months, find out things about them through others and then before you know it, its been years since you've seen them even though they've moved back within an hour's drive from you. And they say I'll never notice.. it'll just be natural and completely painfree but I beg to differ. But this is just upsetting me so I'm gonna stop now.
I had one of the really frustrating-need-to-scream kind of moment yesterday. I"d sent someone a particularly personal email a week ago, they never replied, never said anything about it, which made me think they may have been upset with me over it. I stressed about it all week. Finally I gave in and asked them about it... turns out they never got it. You have no idea the yelling this resulted in; all that freaking out and they never got it. I had regretted sending it after I had anyways.. so at least now I have the option of making the same possible mistake again or making a really good judgment call and not saying a bloody thing on the subject ever again. Unfortunately now that they know about it they're going to get curious... which will probably result in me making a big mistake.. again. But hey, makes life semi-exciting.
Okay. I have to go to work. Till 12 tonight. Joy. Later all.

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