Friday, August 31, 2007

Vacation = Over

I'm back from vacation. And I work at 5 tomorrow morning. And I'm definetly not looking forward to it. For some reason I'm also working alot more shifts than I was supposed to work. Going to have to talk to the boss about that. Cause well... I can't do that.
Bought books today. Three hundred dollars later I have all but one which is backordered. I would like to rant on how much course packets are. You know those ones where the profs pick a bunch of articles and have them photocopied and stapled together? Yeah. Those ones. Well mine was seventy dollars and I'm apalled. Okay. End of rant.
A co-worker just called (one who I really like and who was supposed to be leaving at the end of the summer but is staying, yay!) and asked if she could sell condoms to a fourteen year old. Had to tell her she could. She put me on hold to sell them etc and then got back on the phone with me and shared how horrible it was, how she hated that he was having sex but how she didn't want him getting the girl pregnant etc. I kinda wish there was an age limit on selling them though... it would make it alot easier and much less of a judgement call for us, as we can refuse the sale if we feel they should be getting them.
Mom got me a christmas gift while we were away this week. I know what it is though, and I must share cause they make me giggle and I can't wait to have them gracing my kitchen. These are awesome. She got me a frog and a duck!
I have lots more to share but it will have to come after I work tomorrow, go for a run and unpack! So till then!

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