Friday, April 24, 2009

Leaving sucks

So the move is fast approaching and there are so many things I'm going to miss about this city!

The Market! I know I don't make it there all that often, but I love that place. Just the energy and the vibe every Saturday morning, the wonderful smelling food and pretty things! Definitely going to make sure I get there tomorrow morning.

Bookstores! Home doesn't have bookstores like they do here. Especially not used bookstores. I love wandering through row upon row of books other have enjoyed. There's something about a used book, knowing someone has flipped it's pages, read its words, cried and laughed over it. That and they're cheaper!

Coffee Shops! Home has coffee shops. If you count Tim Hortons. But not pretty ones where they know you by name and you can just sit for hours and watch the world go by. They have tasty coffee, play good music and there are lots of other people just like you sitting reading or working.

The small town feel! This city isn't huge. And my hometown isn't huge either. But there's just something cozy and serene about it here. Something that just makes you like it.

Independence! It's not city related but it's what I've got here. Independence, I can go where I please when I please. I can get places and I don't have to be dependent on anyone else nor is there anyone to answer to. Not gonna be the case at Mom's. But oh well!

Ok. Well I'm going to enjoy my last coffee shop sit while I work on the next chapter of Islander's thesis (apparently I am very good at editing). And then say goodbye to some more friends tonight. And finishing the packing. Joy.

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