Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Moved.. ish

So the move is done. I'm glad it's over. Well its over inasmuch as you can say that when half the boxes are still packed and my belongings are still half in the trailer in the garage.

I'm hoping today I can get the rest of the stuff unpacked, 'cept for my books as I'm bookshelf-less currently. Though not sure what I plan on doing with myself when I do get it all unpacked... I have a feeling this is going to be a very boring month!

Our neighbor is apparently bored with his own property and asked my mother if she had any trees she'd like cut down... so he's currently outside cutting down trees for us. Free labor - gotta love it. Long as hauling them away is in the contract!

So I need to get some volunteer experience in. And I'm honestly not sure where or what to do. I'd like it to look good for social work programs, as I'm quite sure I"ll be applying for them in the future. Suggestions?

Soooo I have a month off. What exactly do people do with a month off? It's been a long time since I had a month off with nothing pressing to do. Last time was when my ankle was broken.. and well I still had stuff to do! This time around.. only thing I need to do is brush up on my french, try and learn some Polish and fundraise $2700! I do hope to do some family history research though which should keep me busy at the library for a few weeks.

Its sunny out! And I have a magazine... I think I'm going to go outside and read it! Bye!!

1 comment:

LLG said...

I have been wondering what to do on my days off as well. A girl from work suggested volunteering at the SPCA walking dogs. Theres an idea..i might do that..but i am with you on trying to figure out what to do. If I come up with any other ideas i will pass them along!