Saturday, April 18, 2009

single in the sunshine

First off - It's gorgeous out! I think a sit outside to study is in order.
Second - the exam this morning went much much better than expected.
Third - I once again did not sleep last night. Thanks to exam stress and my loud neighbors. I really hope I can get some sleep tonight cause I don't know if I can go another night. What's happened to me? I just to go days without sleeping but I can't even go one night anymore. Probably for the best.

Today was spent studying for my last two exams. Most of that studying took place in a study group for my Federalism class which was really good. It was a generally good time and I think I'm quite ready for the exam and still have until Tuesday to study. Our study group was just me, Islander and a couple other guys we know so I was able to comfortably ask stupid questions which I think really helped.

We decided to go to dinner afterward cause everyone's stomachs were growling. There was good food. Apparently however a woman "of my caliber" (not my wording) doesn't usually go to dinner with three guys. The waiter seemed genuinely distraught that none of them paid for my meal and even more so that I wasn't dating any of them. I know I complain sometimes about the single-ness and yes I wouldn't mind being the significant other of one of my dinner mates but it's not a crime to be friends with a bunch of guys right? Actually to be honest, my three best friends are all guys. I was slightly insulted that the waiter didn't think I could just be friends with them and that it was such a shame I wasn't dating someone. Anyways, it was amusing and a bit bothersome.

Alrighty, I must go do laundry as it's been week and eventually someone's going to notice the number of days I've worn these jeans in a row. Enjoy the sunshine! :)

1 comment:

LLG said...

Its weird that people can't accept that girls have all guy friends. In high school all my friends were guys, I was dating one of them, but people still felt the need to label me as a slut. Not thats what people are thinking of you, but people just have a hard time grasping the fact that women can have all guy friends. anyway I think its cool..sometimes guys are easier to get along with. They aren't so girly, and gossipy and snotty. I have lots of girlfriends, but guys are nice to have as friends too. Hope you had a fun time!