Friday, February 22, 2008

8 sleeps!

I've been busy, sorry for the lack of posts. Went back to classes (sorta) this week and had meeting with insurance people, as well as a million and one habitat things to do so things got a little out of hand.
Took last night off to see Jumper with Lsgb though. Good movie. Much of mine and lsgb's comments were terribly inappopriate and revolved around beautiful people and accents.
I hate the feeling of knowing there are things I need to do/get but not being sure what those things are! Next week is going to be a bit more stressful than need be because I am going to lose two days while I'm back in the hometown for doctor's appointments. I see the neurosurgeon (apparently the best in the area) on Thursday as well as an allergy doctor. I'm getting allergy tests. Joy. Cause apparently its not possible to be allergic to insulation. So before I leave this time, I'll actually know what I'm allergic to!
Anyways, no time. I've already had to plan to skip a class so I can go to the bank. Always nice.
Anyways, I'm going to return to the list of emails I need to send and then try to get some school work done.

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