Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Death from time zones

Time zones are out to make my life miserable. Its so difficult to try and be online/awake/sober at the same time as everyone else. M and Cliveslover are four hours ahead of me (the sober was for them as I'm pretty sure that's all they've done in Europe thus far) and Dave! is three hours behind me. It's crazy!
I'm feeling a bit down today, had myself a good cry last night and that general feeling followed me into today. That and I'm just getting lonely and the boredom is starting to become a bit depressing as is the apparent lack of friends I have in this city. My family is driving me crazy and there is no way for me to get away from them.. It's been a bad few weeks and it's just starting to catch up with me I guess.
For now though, I'm going to go write a paper.

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