Friday, February 8, 2008

Paper quirks

So I'm writing a paper. The university is giving me a really hard time about missing classes despite the fact that this whole situation is due to their negligence but that's another story...
So I must write the paper so that I can say I am saying up to date in my work. Which I am, I just need to write this one... ugh.
But I have certain paper-writing requirments that must be fulfilled no matter where I am, they are as follows. :)
1. Coffee, there must be coffee.
2. Music.
3. Food.
4. Means of procrastination (MSN, blogging, tv etc)
5. Lots of space to spread out my junk.

This all poses some difficulty when I am not at home or at the University, because..
1. I can't carry coffee into my room while on crutches.
2. My mother doesn't like my music and most of my music just so happens to be at my apartment so I am stuck using yahoo music stations.
3. Same as number 1.
4. Mom yells at me when I procrastinate...
5. I'm in bed, there's only a certain amount of room... and if I leave the room then I have to be disrupted and bother the whole time.

Oh and I forgot Jack. A cat sprawled over my books who I keep having to move is also a paper writing requirement. :)

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