Tuesday, March 11, 2008

As promised...

Yeah... I know. I promised I'd post yesterday. Sorry: I had forgotten about a midterm I had yet to study for. I do believe it went quite well though so all's good then.
Sooo the trip! It was awesome, by far one of the best week's of my life. I don't think that two good ankles could have made it much better. Aside from a bus breakdown, some bad weather (thunderstorms and tornado warnings) and a couple bitchy girls it went very very well.
The bus ride was horrible, Over that week I probably spent close to 75 hours on a bus. I discovered that having two seats to yourself does not really help the sleeping and that actually having someone to lean on definetly helps. I didn't do much sleeping though cause once the other co-chair fell asleep she was out like a light so someone needed to count every time we stopped. The counting was amusing. Most of the time I would forget to count myself and then panic cause we were missing someone. And then there were a few times when I'd end up with about 4 extras.
The people were amazing. I have never experience hospitality like that before. They had me crying one night even.
The group members were also amazing. The guys all got along great and the girls had their little groups. I hung out with the guys most of the time cause well, girls frustrate me.
I was able to do just as much as anyone else on the build site (if not more than some) cause we were mostly doing touch up stuff (like painting, hanging doors, baseboards etc) so I felt very useful most of the time.
I would be lying if I said my body didn't hate me during the week. There were times when I was pretty sure I was gonna pass out from the pain I was in but it was worth it. My ankle didnt' really hurt, just every other part of me.
Anyways, all in all it was great. But I'm also glad to be home. I get my cast off on Thursday so I'm quite excited about that, looking forward to getting back to semi-normal life. School is currently punishing me for going away on the break and not doing a bloody thing but I'm catching up enough to go on Saturday night. :)

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