Wednesday, March 26, 2008

"I've got a fever of a hundred and three...!" :)

I'm sick. I've been burning up with a fever for the last two days. I think I"ll have to give into it tomorrow and get some rest as I've ingored the fact the last couple days and spent much time at school doing work.
I'm also broke. And jobless for the summer. I just might have to move home for the summer, we'll see though. And I had a meeting today that cost me $300. Ugh.
The TV show Moment of Truth is stupid. But I do like the new one, New Amsterdam. And I watched dancing last night! Only made me want to dance more though... lessons next year! I hope.
Lsgb and I are currently watching Criminal Minds (via MSN) and discussing how we'd react in a situation such as a the brutal and violent kidnapping currently being described. Kinda depressing conversation actually...
ok... night! :)

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