Saturday, March 15, 2008

sleeping, showering, shopping, friends = lovely Saturday!

I watched the Stargate Atlantis Season Finale last night. I HATE season finales. I don't want to wait till October to see what happens! :(
I slept last night. For a full nine hours straight through, didn't budge. I haven't done that in years. And I woke up feeling refreshed: it was wonderful. And I didn't lose half the day either, I was up by nine.
So this morning I did some school work, stressed myself out about living arrangements for next year and this summer's employment situation. This afternoon, lsgb and I are going shopping as I haven't really done that in awhile. And tonight we're going out! The ankle is hopefully capable of it and I'm looking forward to seeing people.
Sooo off I go, must shower. (I can shower again!)

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