Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Late End of Term Post

So here's my post from the end of last term now that I finally have all my marks back.
I'm really happy with how last term went. I got my first A and raised my GPA last term and that had been my goal. Things ended a little roughly so I didn't do as well as I could have done but considering everything that was going on, I won't complain.
So school wise I think last semester was quite successful.
Habitat wise... yeah. It was okay. It could have been better and we're going to pay for that this term. I love the group this year, and I love the interest the group has generated. People are very aware of who we are and what we are doing and are more than willing to support us. The trip list right now consists of 30 people and they are 30 very committed and very very dedicated people. These people are going and there's nothing stopping them. Which is good, it means we get alot of participation and alot of enthusiasm, it's bad becuase all those people sitting on the waitlist aren't going to get to go. But anyways, I'm happy with how things went.
Health wise last term wasn't so hot, both physically and emotionally. It was a really hard term for me, but apparently I work well when I'm stressed and crying every day so whatever works I guess.
Yeah, so I'm happy enough with how my first term of 3rd year went. And as soon as I do laundry, I'll let ya know what's going on this time around!

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