Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Make-me-smile things

First off: Cat finally fell off the bookshelf. I've been telling him he would for weeks now, but what do I know eh? But he was rolling around, being precarious and the like and off he went. He landed on his feet.. sort of. So all's good! And plus, it made me laugh.
Second: I had beer at 3pm this afternoon and it made me happy. And it was with good company so that also made me happy.
Third: I wore heels todaoy. I regret it now as I am in agony but it was sorta nice at the time.
And Fourth: I have worked out everyday for the past.. long time! yay! And I've even lost a few pounds. This also makes me happy.
These happy thing are of course outnumbered by bad things but I'm ingoring 'em for now.

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