Thursday, January 31, 2008

*Gasp* Girly!

I have a discovered a girliness. I love dancing movies. And dancing in general. This comes up as I have just a seen a commerical for a Step Up 2!! I want to see it too. I feel silly but I just love it. I loved the first one, I loved Take the Lead and Save the Last Dance. And then of course I want to take dance classes afterwards. I have never seen the Dirty Dancing movies but I know I'd love 'em but it'd be torture to watch 'em when I can't walk cause afterwards I'll admit I do alot of dancing when no one's watching.
I'm gonna take a dance class this summer. For getting through this hell, its gonna be my reward.
Also, I do like romance. I always say I don't but I really do, it just has to be good and not corny and then I'll like it. There was a commerical on earlier and I thought it was cute. Anyways... tootles!

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