Thursday, September 20, 2007

Smooth... Part deux

So, one of the emails that was in my inbox was one confirming a textbook I had ordered online. It contained the original ad etc. Now, normally I wouldn't need that still. Unless returning the book. Which is exactly what I need to do. Cause well, I KNOW the ad said that the book was a 6th edition, which was precisely the edition I needed. Well, when I opened up the package today, I pulled out a third edition copy. Can't say I was too impressed. Soo.. anyone want the 3rd edition of Nicholas V. Riasanovsky's "A History of Russia"? Cause I don't need two!
You may be asking why I did not get this book at the bookstore... have I shared this story yet? If so, you get to hear it again! Sooo... since the class was created quite late and apparently this book is the one any Russian History class in the world would be using, the bookstore on campus was unable to get any in. Well they're getting some in. In October. But going that long without a text... a wee bit difficult. Yep. But at least I have an edition, which is better than nothing.
Okay... Gotta get back to my apartment-cleaning and listening to Oasis (which is making me miss Unnamed) but it's also my feel good music which I need. Alot of right now. Sooo... Later!

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