Sunday, September 23, 2007

So Screwed

9:00pm - So, I have a seminar to present in a little over 12 hours. I've started, however I don't know what this prof wants. Last year when I had a seminar our prof gave us an idea of what he expected. This one however, told us to present the chapter. I'm a bit fuzzy on what exactly that means. And yes, I asked him. I emailed him and asked what he wanted, I even asked some specific questions. He didn't answer any of my questions. Just said to "present the chapter" and to consult the syllabus for more information... the syllabus has one paragraph on the presentation. It tells us what we are presenting on and that it should be informative and interesting. Oh that's sooo specific, thank you!
I need a good mark in this class, but its hard to get a good mark when you don't know how to get that mark. Anyways, I should get back to it I guess.
On a side note, our washer and dryer now take loonies. That kinda makes my collection of quarters useless... anyways...

10:57pm - Jack is making it nearly impossible to work. He wants to play. So he keeps chasing my pen and chewing on my papers. And then he brings his toys onto my lap so I'll pay with them with him. Its like having a kid I tell ya. So I'm going to go let him go to the laundry room with me (very bad habit I know) and hopefully that'll give him his fill for the night so I can get back to work.

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