Monday, November 5, 2007

This is the worst paper I have ever written. I know I"ve said that before. But honestly, this one is bad. I just ramble on and on about the same thing. I am one page less then I am supposed to have and its bad... so very very bad.
Lsgb says it doesn't look *that* bad... but she could be just saying that. Though she's usually pretty honest.
I've just started the other "paper" I have due today. But then I got distracted when Lizzie called and then Habitat sent me stuff so I got distracted again. Not going well at all.
However, now that I'm back at it.. I"m hoping that feigning intellingence through big fancy words will make it appear that I have actually considered my topic and have a thesis for said paper. The prof's an idiot so hopefully my ignorance will pass unnoticed.
Ok. Gonna go stab myself in the eye now! :)

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