Monday, October 8, 2007

I'm back!

And I believe I survived. Though I think I'm getting sick again. Which I find terribly upsetting.
However, I did get stuff done. Wrote a paper, and caught up on all my readings for every subject! Which is quite nice, I doubt it'll last long though. But maybe.
Thanksgiving was nice. We went apple picking and then hiking. Both of which were enjoyable. My grandmother bought a new table, and its huge. It can fit everyone at it. Which is nice for a change. There's even room for extras; it was pointed out several times.
But now I'm back. And I have to work today. And then get cracking on school work and Habitat stuff, both of which have me a bit overwhelmed.
I also need to see Lizzie this week. Its been awhile since I saw her cause she dropped the class we were in together. But this week we are gonna get together. And then M and I are going to the market on Saturday, or at least I think that was the plan.
I'm also going to read this week, I have read abotu ten pages of Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell. I just haven't had time. Which sucks but I knew I wouldnt' have time for fun reading during the school year.
I'm applying for a job. Its one I would enjoy much more than what I have now (even though I love this would and would have to technically still work this one every once in awhile so that I can go back at Christmas etc) and its something I could do mostly from home and its something I've done before. I'm excited about it too. Little worried about how well I can juggle two jobs but I'm sure I can do it. Just means I need to get into a nice routine of work and school.
Speaking of routines, I haven't gotten into one yet this year. I know its partly cause I have no classes on Wednesdays and Fridays and I don't like it. I've got to get into something though cause its driving me crazy.
Anyways, I'm off to work. Later!

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